
Understanding Your Borrowing Power: A Comprehensive Guide


When considering a major purchase, such as buying a home or starting a business, understanding your borrowing power is crucial. Borrowing power is the amount that financial institutions are willing to lend you, based on an assessment of your financial stability and risk profile. 

For anyone seeking a mortgage or personal loan, knowing this figure helps in planning and sets realistic expectations for what you can afford. In this guide, we’ll explore how to calculate your borrowing power, taking into account various financial factors, and provide actionable tips to enhance it. Whether you’re working with a finance broker in Sydney or elsewhere, this knowledge will empower you to negotiate better loan terms.

What is Borrowing Power?

Borrowing power is the maximum amount that lending institutions are prepared to offer you, considering your overall financial health. It is not just about how much you earn but also your existing debts, your credit history, employment stability, and other financial commitments. Understanding your borrowing power helps secure loans with favourable terms and can significantly impact your financial planning.

Factors Influencing Borrowing Power

  • Income Levels:

Lenders primarily look at your income to determine your borrowing capacity. A stable, high income suggests that you can manage loan repayments effectively. For salaried individuals, this is straightforward, but for freelancers or business owners, proving a stable income might require additional documentation.

  • Existing Debts:

Your current debts are a major component of your borrowing power. Lenders use the debt-to-income ratio (DTI) to assess risk. A lower DTI ratio indicates that your debts are well-managed, making you a less risky borrower.

  • Credit Score: 

A good credit score reassures lenders of your creditworthiness. In Sydney or Parramatta, whether you’re dealing with a finance broker in Sydney or directly with a bank, a high credit score can open the door to better interest rates and loan terms.

  • Employment Status:

Job stability and the nature of your employment also influence decisions made by lenders. Those in permanent roles may find it easier to borrow compared to those in temporary or contract positions.

  • Assets and Liabilities:

Lastly, your assets (like investments or other properties) and ongoing liabilities (such as other loan commitments or dependents) are considered. These help lenders gauge your net worth and financial resilience.

How to Calculate Your Borrowing Power?

To determine how much you can borrow, follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather Financial Documents:

Start by collecting all relevant financial documents. This includes your recent pay slips, tax returns, existing loan statements, and a current credit report.

Step 2: Calculate Your DTI Ratio:

Divide your total monthly debt by your gross monthly income. This figure represents your DTI ratio, a key metric that lenders use to assess borrowing capacity.

Step 3: Adjust for Credit Score Influences:

Check your credit score. The higher your score, the better your chances of getting favourable loan terms.

Step 4: Consider Additional Financial Factors:

Account for any dependents or other financial obligations that might impact your monthly budget.

Example Scenario: 

Imagine a professional living in Parramatta seeking a mortgage. They earn a monthly income of $5,000, with monthly debts totalling $1,000. Their DTI ratio would be 20%, which is favourable for securing a mortgage. A mortgage broker in Parramatta could then help them understand how much they can borrow based on these figures.

Tools and Resources:

Utilise online calculators provided by financial institutions or consult a finance broker in Sydney for a more tailored calculation.

Tips to Increase Your Borrowing Power

  • Improving Your Credit Score:

Regularly review your credit report for inaccuracies, make timely payments, and keep your credit utilisation low.

  • Reducing Debts:

Aim to pay off or reduce high-interest or high-balance debts before applying for a new loan.

  • Increasing Income:

Consider ways to boost your income, such as taking on additional work, seeking promotions, or updating relevant qualifications.

  • Asset Management:

Effective management of your assets can also portray a stronger financial position in front of a finance or mortgage broker in Parramatta.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When calculating your borrowing power, accuracy is key. One of the most frequent pitfalls is overestimating your income or underestimating your current debts. This misstep can lead to a skewed financial picture, resulting in loan rejections or less favourable terms than anticipated.


To avoid such setbacks, ensure all financial data, including income and debts, is up-to-date and accurately reported. This involves regularly checking your credit report for errors, using actual financial statements rather than estimates, and considering all sources of debt, such as credit cards, personal loans, and other financial obligations.

Another common mistake is not accounting for variable expenses or potential income fluctuations, especially if you are self-employed or work on a commission basis. A realistic approach that includes possible downturns will prevent future financial strain. Asking your mortgage broker in Parramatta about these changes will definitely help you. 


By carefully avoiding these errors, you can present a true financial picture to lenders, enhancing your chances for loan approval and favourable terms. Always cross-verify the information you provide against official documents, and consider consulting with a finance expert to ensure you have covered all aspects comprehensively.

Final Words

Calculating your borrowing power is vital in financial planning, particularly if you are considering taking out a loan. By understanding the factors that affect your borrowing power, you can work towards improving them, ensuring you are in the best possible position when you decide to apply for a loan. 

Whether you’re working with a mortgage broker in Parramatta or elsewhere, being well-prepared will help you secure the best possible terms.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your financial journey, consider consulting with a finance broker in Sydney to get personalised advice tailored to your unique financial situation. Don’t wait—start your path to financial freedom today with Right Click Finance. 

Beulah Kshlerin

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