
Mediation and Collaborative Law: Which One is for You?


Mediation and collaborative law are attractive alternatives to resolving family disputes. With these methods, couples may take voluntary and cooperative efforts to reach an agreement. But, mediation and collaborative law have some differences that couples should be aware of as they try to make a decision on which path is right for you. If you want a law expert to give you assistance in mediation, get in touch with the Law Office of Amanda J. Cook. Their lawyers have decades of experience in family law, which makes them a reliable source of legal help. They can represent you in both mediation and collaborative law processes. Keep reading to know the differences between these methods:

What to Expect During Mediation?

Mediation is performed by a mediator who serves as a neutral guide. It is a more informal process that can be quite flexible depending on the couples’ needs. Although it is not a requirement to have an attorney during mediation, having somebody in your corner lets you benefit from the lawyer’s insights on how negotiations are forming and how some terms might play out down the road. 

Mediation can be the most effective and inexpensive way for couples to come to an agreement. It lets parties talk about their wants and concerns on the issue at hand. The mediator hears them and works to bring them together on common ground to resolve their disputes. Apart from helping couples reach an agreement, mediation helps them understand the perspective of the other, which can usually result in more workable agreements in the long run. 

How Collaborative Law Works

In collaborative law, every spouse should hire their respective family lawyer and jointly pick a neutral collaborative coach. The couple should be willing to work through the issues without initiating litigation. In this process, the couple, the lawyers, and the collaborative coach take part in every meeting. Also, the coach may recommend the introduction of other collaborative experts such as therapists or accountants to help the couple work through issues specific to their case. 

Collaborative law is ideal for couples whose cases involve complicated financial information or other issues that could require a specialist. It is a great option for those who want to come to agreements despite their communication issues. The couple’s commitment to the process will help them easily deal with other challenges within the process. With the help of a collaborative team, couples can create a cohesive approach and holistic attitude.

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